33 CCR websites

CCR • 2023 - 2024

33 CCR websites

CCR • 2023 - 2024

33 CCR websites

CCR • 2023 - 2024

33 CCR websites

CCR • 2023 - 2024

A natural light portrait of a young woman with blonde shoulder-length hair and bangs, partially covering her eyes. She is wearing a cream-colored, ribbed turtleneck sweater, her hand gently placed against her face. The background features an out-of-focus golden grassy field and a vibrant blue sky. The lighting creates a warm and soft atmosphere, emphasizing the details of her face and hair. The image has a cinematic and serene quality.
A natural light portrait of a young woman with blonde shoulder-length hair and bangs, partially covering her eyes. She is wearing a cream-colored, ribbed turtleneck sweater, her hand gently placed against her face. The background features an out-of-focus golden grassy field and a vibrant blue sky. The lighting creates a warm and soft atmosphere, emphasizing the details of her face and hair. The image has a cinematic and serene quality.
A natural light portrait of a young woman with blonde shoulder-length hair and bangs, partially covering her eyes. She is wearing a cream-colored, ribbed turtleneck sweater, her hand gently placed against her face. The background features an out-of-focus golden grassy field and a vibrant blue sky. The lighting creates a warm and soft atmosphere, emphasizing the details of her face and hair. The image has a cinematic and serene quality.
A natural light portrait of a young woman with blonde shoulder-length hair and bangs, partially covering her eyes. She is wearing a cream-colored, ribbed turtleneck sweater, her hand gently placed against her face. The background features an out-of-focus golden grassy field and a vibrant blue sky. The lighting creates a warm and soft atmosphere, emphasizing the details of her face and hair. The image has a cinematic and serene quality.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface showing a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks 'Which highway are you taking?' with an option to select a highway. Further down, there are options for 'Live cameras' and 'Calculate toll' with corresponding icons and clickable links.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface showing a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks 'Which highway are you taking?' with an option to select a highway. Further down, there are options for 'Live cameras' and 'Calculate toll' with corresponding icons and clickable links.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface showing a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks 'Which highway are you taking?' with an option to select a highway. Further down, there are options for 'Live cameras' and 'Calculate toll' with corresponding icons and clickable links.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface showing a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks 'Which highway are you taking?' with an option to select a highway. Further down, there are options for 'Live cameras' and 'Calculate toll' with corresponding icons and clickable links.
The image shows an interface of the ViaMobilidade app, which monitors the operation of metro and train lines. At the top, there is a map with several colored lines representing different routes. Below the map, there is an operational update dated October 9th, at 15:06. The 'ViaMobilidade' section indicates the status of the lines: Line 5 (Lilac) is operating normally, while Line 8 (Diamond) is halted due to an object on the track at Júlio Prestes station. The estimated time of normalization is 15:37.
The image shows an interface of the ViaMobilidade app, which monitors the operation of metro and train lines. At the top, there is a map with several colored lines representing different routes. Below the map, there is an operational update dated October 9th, at 15:06. The 'ViaMobilidade' section indicates the status of the lines: Line 5 (Lilac) is operating normally, while Line 8 (Diamond) is halted due to an object on the track at Júlio Prestes station. The estimated time of normalization is 15:37.
The image shows an interface of the ViaMobilidade app, which monitors the operation of metro and train lines. At the top, there is a map with several colored lines representing different routes. Below the map, there is an operational update dated October 9th, at 15:06. The 'ViaMobilidade' section indicates the status of the lines: Line 5 (Lilac) is operating normally, while Line 8 (Diamond) is halted due to an object on the track at Júlio Prestes station. The estimated time of normalization is 15:37.
The image shows an interface of the ViaMobilidade app, which monitors the operation of metro and train lines. At the top, there is a map with several colored lines representing different routes. Below the map, there is an operational update dated October 9th, at 15:06. The 'ViaMobilidade' section indicates the status of the lines: Line 5 (Lilac) is operating normally, while Line 8 (Diamond) is halted due to an object on the track at Júlio Prestes station. The estimated time of normalization is 15:37.
Screenshot of Curitiba Airport's mobile app or website. The weather is 32°C, and the date is Monday, September 20. A message reads "Hello! You are at Curitiba Airport." There is a photo of passengers boarding an airplane. Flight information shows GOL flight 3065 to São Paulo - Congonhas, departing at 11:45 from Terminal 1, Gate 9, with immediate boarding.
Screenshot of Curitiba Airport's mobile app or website. The weather is 32°C, and the date is Monday, September 20. A message reads "Hello! You are at Curitiba Airport." There is a photo of passengers boarding an airplane. Flight information shows GOL flight 3065 to São Paulo - Congonhas, departing at 11:45 from Terminal 1, Gate 9, with immediate boarding.
Screenshot of Curitiba Airport's mobile app or website. The weather is 32°C, and the date is Monday, September 20. A message reads "Hello! You are at Curitiba Airport." There is a photo of passengers boarding an airplane. Flight information shows GOL flight 3065 to São Paulo - Congonhas, departing at 11:45 from Terminal 1, Gate 9, with immediate boarding.
Screenshot of Curitiba Airport's mobile app or website. The weather is 32°C, and the date is Monday, September 20. A message reads "Hello! You are at Curitiba Airport." There is a photo of passengers boarding an airplane. Flight information shows GOL flight 3065 to São Paulo - Congonhas, departing at 11:45 from Terminal 1, Gate 9, with immediate boarding.

Image: CCR Institucional Home Mobile, CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, ViaMobilidade Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Curitiba Home Mobile

Image: CCR Institucional Home Mobile, CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, ViaMobilidade Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Curitiba Home Mobile

Image: CCR Institucional Home Mobile, CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, ViaMobilidade Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Curitiba Home Mobile

Image: CCR Institucional Home Mobile, CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, ViaMobilidade Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Curitiba Home Mobile


O Grupo CCR é uma empresa brasileira de destaque na concessão de infraestrutura, transportes e serviços, sendo uma das líderes na administração de rodovias no Brasil. A companhia atua nos segmentos de concessão de rodovias, mobilidade urbana e aeroportos, marcando presença em 230 cidades de 13 estados brasileiros, além de operar em outros três países da América Latina.


O Grupo CCR é uma empresa brasileira de destaque na concessão de infraestrutura, transportes e serviços, sendo uma das líderes na administração de rodovias no Brasil. A companhia atua nos segmentos de concessão de rodovias, mobilidade urbana e aeroportos, marcando presença em 230 cidades de 13 estados brasileiros, além de operar em outros três países da América Latina.


O Grupo CCR é uma empresa brasileira de destaque na concessão de infraestrutura, transportes e serviços, sendo uma das líderes na administração de rodovias no Brasil. A companhia atua nos segmentos de concessão de rodovias, mobilidade urbana e aeroportos, marcando presença em 230 cidades de 13 estados brasileiros, além de operar em outros três países da América Latina.


O Grupo CCR é uma empresa brasileira de destaque na concessão de infraestrutura, transportes e serviços, sendo uma das líderes na administração de rodovias no Brasil. A companhia atua nos segmentos de concessão de rodovias, mobilidade urbana e aeroportos, marcando presença em 230 cidades de 13 estados brasileiros, além de operar em outros três países da América Latina.


Representando uma nova fase, o redesenho dos 33 sites do Grupo CCR reflete o compromisso com a inovação e a tecnologia, focando em otimizar a experiência e aproximar pessoas. Os novos sites foram criados para melhorar a acessibilidade, proporcionar uma navegação intuitiva e transmitir os valores de transparência, humanização e responsabilidade social que são centrais a CCR. Mais do que apenas conectar, a CCR busca inspirar, oferecendo serviços que vão além da tecnologia, reforçando sua missão de transformar a mobilidade com empatia e eficiência.


Representando uma nova fase, o redesenho dos 33 sites do Grupo CCR reflete o compromisso com a inovação e a tecnologia, focando em otimizar a experiência e aproximar pessoas. Os novos sites foram criados para melhorar a acessibilidade, proporcionar uma navegação intuitiva e transmitir os valores de transparência, humanização e responsabilidade social que são centrais a CCR. Mais do que apenas conectar, a CCR busca inspirar, oferecendo serviços que vão além da tecnologia, reforçando sua missão de transformar a mobilidade com empatia e eficiência.


Representando uma nova fase, o redesenho dos 33 sites do Grupo CCR reflete o compromisso com a inovação e a tecnologia, focando em otimizar a experiência e aproximar pessoas. Os novos sites foram criados para melhorar a acessibilidade, proporcionar uma navegação intuitiva e transmitir os valores de transparência, humanização e responsabilidade social que são centrais a CCR. Mais do que apenas conectar, a CCR busca inspirar, oferecendo serviços que vão além da tecnologia, reforçando sua missão de transformar a mobilidade com empatia e eficiência.


Representando uma nova fase, o redesenho dos 33 sites do Grupo CCR reflete o compromisso com a inovação e a tecnologia, focando em otimizar a experiência e aproximar pessoas. Os novos sites foram criados para melhorar a acessibilidade, proporcionar uma navegação intuitiva e transmitir os valores de transparência, humanização e responsabilidade social que são centrais a CCR. Mais do que apenas conectar, a CCR busca inspirar, oferecendo serviços que vão além da tecnologia, reforçando sua missão de transformar a mobilidade com empatia e eficiência.

My role

Liderar a equipe, criar fluxos, wireframes e componentes, além de documentar a biblioteca com comportamentos, variações e tamanhos de tela para serem aplicados nos novos sites do Grupo CCR: CCR Institucional, CCR Rodovias, Mobilidade Urbana, CCR Aeroportos e outros negócios da empresa. QA no ambiente de homologação. Fazer o acompanhamento estratégico com o cliente, organizando e orientando a equipe.

My role

Liderar a equipe, criar fluxos, wireframes e componentes, além de documentar a biblioteca com comportamentos, variações e tamanhos de tela para serem aplicados nos novos sites do Grupo CCR: CCR Institucional, CCR Rodovias, Mobilidade Urbana, CCR Aeroportos e outros negócios da empresa. QA no ambiente de homologação. Fazer o acompanhamento estratégico com o cliente, organizando e orientando a equipe.

My role

Liderar a equipe, criar fluxos, wireframes e componentes, além de documentar a biblioteca com comportamentos, variações e tamanhos de tela para serem aplicados nos novos sites do Grupo CCR: CCR Institucional, CCR Rodovias, Mobilidade Urbana, CCR Aeroportos e outros negócios da empresa. QA no ambiente de homologação. Fazer o acompanhamento estratégico com o cliente, organizando e orientando a equipe.

My role

Liderar a equipe, criar fluxos, wireframes e componentes, além de documentar a biblioteca com comportamentos, variações e tamanhos de tela para serem aplicados nos novos sites do Grupo CCR: CCR Institucional, CCR Rodovias, Mobilidade Urbana, CCR Aeroportos e outros negócios da empresa. QA no ambiente de homologação. Fazer o acompanhamento estratégico com o cliente, organizando e orientando a equipe.


Design Lead UX Design UI Design Product Design User Research Desk Research Benchmark Prototyping Metrics tracking


Design Lead UX Design UI Design Product Design User Research Desk Research Benchmark Prototyping Metrics tracking


Design Lead UX Design UI Design Product Design User Research Desk Research Benchmark Prototyping Metrics tracking


Design Lead UX Design UI Design Product Design User Research Desk Research Benchmark Prototyping Metrics tracking


Arquitetura de informação confusa. Falta de responsividade. Visual desatualizado. Acessibilidade limitada. Durante o projeto passamos pela mudança de equipe e ambiente de desenvolvimento. Dificuldade na implementação dos conteúdos devido à ausência de um responsável no cliente para gerenciar e validar as entregas. Retrabalho na adaptação de componentes aprovados. Definição de responsividade por parte do desenvolvimento.


Arquitetura de informação confusa. Falta de responsividade. Visual desatualizado. Acessibilidade limitada. Durante o projeto passamos pela mudança de equipe e ambiente de desenvolvimento. Dificuldade na implementação dos conteúdos devido à ausência de um responsável no cliente para gerenciar e validar as entregas. Retrabalho na adaptação de componentes aprovados. Definição de responsividade por parte do desenvolvimento.


Arquitetura de informação confusa. Falta de responsividade. Visual desatualizado. Acessibilidade limitada. Durante o projeto passamos pela mudança de equipe e ambiente de desenvolvimento. Dificuldade na implementação dos conteúdos devido à ausência de um responsável no cliente para gerenciar e validar as entregas. Retrabalho na adaptação de componentes aprovados. Definição de responsividade por parte do desenvolvimento.


Arquitetura de informação confusa. Falta de responsividade. Visual desatualizado. Acessibilidade limitada. Durante o projeto passamos pela mudança de equipe e ambiente de desenvolvimento. Dificuldade na implementação dos conteúdos devido à ausência de um responsável no cliente para gerenciar e validar as entregas. Retrabalho na adaptação de componentes aprovados. Definição de responsividade por parte do desenvolvimento.

Learnings and opportunities

Desenvolvemos uma nova arquitetura de informação, com fluxos e wireframes detalhados, organizando o conteúdo de maneira mais lógica e intuitiva, garantindo maior clareza na interface. O site foi projetado para ser totalmente responsivo, adaptando-se a todos os dispositivos e respeitando as diretrizes de acessibilidade. Os elementos visuais foram definidos para reforçar o compromisso do Grupo CCR com seus principais pilares: sustentabilidade e inovação. Também integramos ferramentas e seções interativas, como mapas dinâmicos. No decorrer do projeto percebemos a necessidade de maior detalhamento na documentação dos componentes da biblioteca para atender aos novos sites dos negócios, focados em oferecer serviços centrados nas pessoas. Fizemos um plano de ação com reuniões semanais para alinhar as expectativas de todas as partes envolvidas, garantindo transparência no progresso do projeto.

Learnings and opportunities

Desenvolvemos uma nova arquitetura de informação, com fluxos e wireframes detalhados, organizando o conteúdo de maneira mais lógica e intuitiva, garantindo maior clareza na interface. O site foi projetado para ser totalmente responsivo, adaptando-se a todos os dispositivos e respeitando as diretrizes de acessibilidade. Os elementos visuais foram definidos para reforçar o compromisso do Grupo CCR com seus principais pilares: sustentabilidade e inovação. Também integramos ferramentas e seções interativas, como mapas dinâmicos. No decorrer do projeto percebemos a necessidade de maior detalhamento na documentação dos componentes da biblioteca para atender aos novos sites dos negócios, focados em oferecer serviços centrados nas pessoas. Fizemos um plano de ação com reuniões semanais para alinhar as expectativas de todas as partes envolvidas, garantindo transparência no progresso do projeto.

Learnings and opportunities

Desenvolvemos uma nova arquitetura de informação, com fluxos e wireframes detalhados, organizando o conteúdo de maneira mais lógica e intuitiva, garantindo maior clareza na interface. O site foi projetado para ser totalmente responsivo, adaptando-se a todos os dispositivos e respeitando as diretrizes de acessibilidade. Os elementos visuais foram definidos para reforçar o compromisso do Grupo CCR com seus principais pilares: sustentabilidade e inovação. Também integramos ferramentas e seções interativas, como mapas dinâmicos. No decorrer do projeto percebemos a necessidade de maior detalhamento na documentação dos componentes da biblioteca para atender aos novos sites dos negócios, focados em oferecer serviços centrados nas pessoas. Fizemos um plano de ação com reuniões semanais para alinhar as expectativas de todas as partes envolvidas, garantindo transparência no progresso do projeto.

Learnings and opportunities

Desenvolvemos uma nova arquitetura de informação, com fluxos e wireframes detalhados, organizando o conteúdo de maneira mais lógica e intuitiva, garantindo maior clareza na interface. O site foi projetado para ser totalmente responsivo, adaptando-se a todos os dispositivos e respeitando as diretrizes de acessibilidade. Os elementos visuais foram definidos para reforçar o compromisso do Grupo CCR com seus principais pilares: sustentabilidade e inovação. Também integramos ferramentas e seções interativas, como mapas dinâmicos. No decorrer do projeto percebemos a necessidade de maior detalhamento na documentação dos componentes da biblioteca para atender aos novos sites dos negócios, focados em oferecer serviços centrados nas pessoas. Fizemos um plano de ação com reuniões semanais para alinhar as expectativas de todas as partes envolvidas, garantindo transparência no progresso do projeto.


Crescimento de 57% na aquisição de novas pessoas usuárias e um aumento de 47% na taxa de engajamento.*


Crescimento de 57% na aquisição de novas pessoas usuárias e um aumento de 47% na taxa de engajamento.*


Crescimento de 57% na aquisição de novas pessoas usuárias e um aumento de 47% na taxa de engajamento.*


Crescimento de 57% na aquisição de novas pessoas usuárias e um aumento de 47% na taxa de engajamento.*

* Dados referentes a dezembro de 2023.


Ficamos na seleção dos ganhadores do prêmio Clap 2023 com o projeto do novo site institucional do Grupo CCR na categoria melhor design de site para uma organização.


Ficamos na seleção dos ganhadores do prêmio Clap 2023 com o projeto do novo site institucional do Grupo CCR na categoria melhor design de site para uma organização.


Ficamos na seleção dos ganhadores do prêmio Clap 2023 com o projeto do novo site institucional do Grupo CCR na categoria melhor design de site para uma organização.


Ficamos na seleção dos ganhadores do prêmio Clap 2023 com o projeto do novo site institucional do Grupo CCR na categoria melhor design de site para uma organização.

CCR Institucional

CCR Institucional

CCR Institucional

CCR Institucional

The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company that manages highways. The page highlights the company's commitment to providing smooth, comfortable, and safe journeys on their roads. The top section features the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below, there is a heading 'Rodovias' with a subheading 'Seu caminho com fluidez, conforto e segurança.' An image of a person inside a car with a sunroof open is displayed, followed by the text 'Oferecendo o melhor caminho' and a paragraph explaining the company's mission to ensure comfort, fluidity, and road safety for users of their managed highways.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company that manages highways. The page highlights the company's commitment to providing smooth, comfortable, and safe journeys on their roads. The top section features the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below, there is a heading 'Rodovias' with a subheading 'Seu caminho com fluidez, conforto e segurança.' An image of a person inside a car with a sunroof open is displayed, followed by the text 'Oferecendo o melhor caminho' and a paragraph explaining the company's mission to ensure comfort, fluidity, and road safety for users of their managed highways.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company that manages highways. The page highlights the company's commitment to providing smooth, comfortable, and safe journeys on their roads. The top section features the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below, there is a heading 'Rodovias' with a subheading 'Seu caminho com fluidez, conforto e segurança.' An image of a person inside a car with a sunroof open is displayed, followed by the text 'Oferecendo o melhor caminho' and a paragraph explaining the company's mission to ensure comfort, fluidity, and road safety for users of their managed highways.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company that manages highways. The page highlights the company's commitment to providing smooth, comfortable, and safe journeys on their roads. The top section features the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below, there is a heading 'Rodovias' with a subheading 'Seu caminho com fluidez, conforto e segurança.' An image of a person inside a car with a sunroof open is displayed, followed by the text 'Oferecendo o melhor caminho' and a paragraph explaining the company's mission to ensure comfort, fluidity, and road safety for users of their managed highways.
A person in a wheelchair is seen from behind, navigating through a turnstile at a public transportation station. The station has clear signage, including a yellow sign that reads "Embarque" (Boarding) and indicates Line 4. The environment is designed to be accessible, highlighting the importance of urban mobility and inclusivity. The text below the image emphasizes the goal of providing the best experience for millions of travelers, whether by rail or sea, and ensuring a comfortable and welcoming journey for all passengers.
A person in a wheelchair is seen from behind, navigating through a turnstile at a public transportation station. The station has clear signage, including a yellow sign that reads "Embarque" (Boarding) and indicates Line 4. The environment is designed to be accessible, highlighting the importance of urban mobility and inclusivity. The text below the image emphasizes the goal of providing the best experience for millions of travelers, whether by rail or sea, and ensuring a comfortable and welcoming journey for all passengers.
A person in a wheelchair is seen from behind, navigating through a turnstile at a public transportation station. The station has clear signage, including a yellow sign that reads "Embarque" (Boarding) and indicates Line 4. The environment is designed to be accessible, highlighting the importance of urban mobility and inclusivity. The text below the image emphasizes the goal of providing the best experience for millions of travelers, whether by rail or sea, and ensuring a comfortable and welcoming journey for all passengers.
A person in a wheelchair is seen from behind, navigating through a turnstile at a public transportation station. The station has clear signage, including a yellow sign that reads "Embarque" (Boarding) and indicates Line 4. The environment is designed to be accessible, highlighting the importance of urban mobility and inclusivity. The text below the image emphasizes the goal of providing the best experience for millions of travelers, whether by rail or sea, and ensuring a comfortable and welcoming journey for all passengers.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company involved in airport operations. The page features a header with the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title 'Airports' with the subtitle 'New connections, new experiences.' The main image depicts two people walking through an airport tunnel, each pulling a suitcase. Below the image, there is a text section that reads: 'Your journey with more comfort. In a few years, we have become one of the largest airport operators in Brazil, in addition to establishing a presence in other Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Curaçao.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company involved in airport operations. The page features a header with the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title 'Airports' with the subtitle 'New connections, new experiences.' The main image depicts two people walking through an airport tunnel, each pulling a suitcase. Below the image, there is a text section that reads: 'Your journey with more comfort. In a few years, we have become one of the largest airport operators in Brazil, in addition to establishing a presence in other Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Curaçao.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company involved in airport operations. The page features a header with the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title 'Airports' with the subtitle 'New connections, new experiences.' The main image depicts two people walking through an airport tunnel, each pulling a suitcase. Below the image, there is a text section that reads: 'Your journey with more comfort. In a few years, we have become one of the largest airport operators in Brazil, in addition to establishing a presence in other Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Curaçao.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, a company involved in airport operations. The page features a header with the CCR logo, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title 'Airports' with the subtitle 'New connections, new experiences.' The main image depicts two people walking through an airport tunnel, each pulling a suitcase. Below the image, there is a text section that reads: 'Your journey with more comfort. In a few years, we have become one of the largest airport operators in Brazil, in addition to establishing a presence in other Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Curaçao.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, featuring a section on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The top of the page includes the CCR logo and a search icon. Below, there is a heading "ESG" with the subheading "We generate shared value." The main content includes a photo of a person sitting on a train, looking out the window. The text below the photo reads: "Our ESG practices. We believe that life happens in motion. And it is with this attentive look that we address the ESG agenda in a transversal and strategic way in the Company.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, featuring a section on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The top of the page includes the CCR logo and a search icon. Below, there is a heading "ESG" with the subheading "We generate shared value." The main content includes a photo of a person sitting on a train, looking out the window. The text below the photo reads: "Our ESG practices. We believe that life happens in motion. And it is with this attentive look that we address the ESG agenda in a transversal and strategic way in the Company.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, featuring a section on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The top of the page includes the CCR logo and a search icon. Below, there is a heading "ESG" with the subheading "We generate shared value." The main content includes a photo of a person sitting on a train, looking out the window. The text below the photo reads: "Our ESG practices. We believe that life happens in motion. And it is with this attentive look that we address the ESG agenda in a transversal and strategic way in the Company.
The image shows a webpage from CCR, featuring a section on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The top of the page includes the CCR logo and a search icon. Below, there is a heading "ESG" with the subheading "We generate shared value." The main content includes a photo of a person sitting on a train, looking out the window. The text below the photo reads: "Our ESG practices. We believe that life happens in motion. And it is with this attentive look that we address the ESG agenda in a transversal and strategic way in the Company.

Image: CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, CCR Mobilidade Urbana Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Home Mobile, CCR ESG Home Mobile

Image: CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, CCR Mobilidade Urbana Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Home Mobile, CCR ESG Home Mobile

Image: CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, CCR Mobilidade Urbana Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Home Mobile, CCR ESG Home Mobile

Image: CCR Rodovias Home Mobile, CCR Mobilidade Urbana Home Mobile, CCR Aeroportos Home Mobile, CCR ESG Home Mobile

CCR Rodovias

CCR Rodovias

CCR Rodovias

CCR Rodovias

Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface. The top section displays a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks users to select a highway for more information. Additional options include live cameras and toll calculation.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface. The top section displays a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks users to select a highway for more information. Additional options include live cameras and toll calculation.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface. The top section displays a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks users to select a highway for more information. Additional options include live cameras and toll calculation.
Screenshot of the CCR RioSP mobile app interface. The top section displays a map with highlighted routes and warning icons. Below the map, a dropdown menu asks users to select a highway for more information. Additional options include live cameras and toll calculation.
The image shows a traffic status screen for the BR-101 (Rio Santos) highway, heading towards São Paulo (South). The map indicates traffic conditions with color-coded segments: green for smooth traffic, yellow for moderate traffic, and red for heavy traffic. There are icons indicating two occurrences: one for roadwork and another for an incident. The summary section below the map shows traffic information with 2 occurrences, a total stretch of 270 km, and 3 tolls. The screen is from the CCR RioSP app, which includes options for "Summary," "Traffic," and "Cameras."
The image shows a traffic status screen for the BR-101 (Rio Santos) highway, heading towards São Paulo (South). The map indicates traffic conditions with color-coded segments: green for smooth traffic, yellow for moderate traffic, and red for heavy traffic. There are icons indicating two occurrences: one for roadwork and another for an incident. The summary section below the map shows traffic information with 2 occurrences, a total stretch of 270 km, and 3 tolls. The screen is from the CCR RioSP app, which includes options for "Summary," "Traffic," and "Cameras."
The image shows a traffic status screen for the BR-101 (Rio Santos) highway, heading towards São Paulo (South). The map indicates traffic conditions with color-coded segments: green for smooth traffic, yellow for moderate traffic, and red for heavy traffic. There are icons indicating two occurrences: one for roadwork and another for an incident. The summary section below the map shows traffic information with 2 occurrences, a total stretch of 270 km, and 3 tolls. The screen is from the CCR RioSP app, which includes options for "Summary," "Traffic," and "Cameras."
The image shows a traffic status screen for the BR-101 (Rio Santos) highway, heading towards São Paulo (South). The map indicates traffic conditions with color-coded segments: green for smooth traffic, yellow for moderate traffic, and red for heavy traffic. There are icons indicating two occurrences: one for roadwork and another for an incident. The summary section below the map shows traffic information with 2 occurrences, a total stretch of 270 km, and 3 tolls. The screen is from the CCR RioSP app, which includes options for "Summary," "Traffic," and "Cameras."
Webpage from CCR RioSP for calculating toll fees. The form includes dropdown menus for selecting the highway, origin, and destination. Users can choose the type of vehicle (passenger, commercial, bus, or motorcycle) and the number of axles. A button labeled 'Calculate toll' is at the bottom."
Webpage from CCR RioSP for calculating toll fees. The form includes dropdown menus for selecting the highway, origin, and destination. Users can choose the type of vehicle (passenger, commercial, bus, or motorcycle) and the number of axles. A button labeled 'Calculate toll' is at the bottom."
Webpage from CCR RioSP for calculating toll fees. The form includes dropdown menus for selecting the highway, origin, and destination. Users can choose the type of vehicle (passenger, commercial, bus, or motorcycle) and the number of axles. A button labeled 'Calculate toll' is at the bottom."
Webpage from CCR RioSP for calculating toll fees. The form includes dropdown menus for selecting the highway, origin, and destination. Users can choose the type of vehicle (passenger, commercial, bus, or motorcycle) and the number of axles. A button labeled 'Calculate toll' is at the bottom."
The image shows a webpage from CCR RioSP, featuring a section about service stations. The page includes a header with the CCR RioSP logo, an SOS button, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title "Service Stations" with a subtitle inviting users to find places to eat, refuel, and more along the way. An image of a service station with a car parked near a building labeled "CCR ViaSul" is displayed. At the bottom, there is a section titled "Discover where to stop," encouraging users to access a list of service stations through the app to find places to eat, refuel, seek services, and more.
The image shows a webpage from CCR RioSP, featuring a section about service stations. The page includes a header with the CCR RioSP logo, an SOS button, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title "Service Stations" with a subtitle inviting users to find places to eat, refuel, and more along the way. An image of a service station with a car parked near a building labeled "CCR ViaSul" is displayed. At the bottom, there is a section titled "Discover where to stop," encouraging users to access a list of service stations through the app to find places to eat, refuel, seek services, and more.
The image shows a webpage from CCR RioSP, featuring a section about service stations. The page includes a header with the CCR RioSP logo, an SOS button, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title "Service Stations" with a subtitle inviting users to find places to eat, refuel, and more along the way. An image of a service station with a car parked near a building labeled "CCR ViaSul" is displayed. At the bottom, there is a section titled "Discover where to stop," encouraging users to access a list of service stations through the app to find places to eat, refuel, seek services, and more.
The image shows a webpage from CCR RioSP, featuring a section about service stations. The page includes a header with the CCR RioSP logo, an SOS button, a search icon, and a menu icon. Below the header, there is a title "Service Stations" with a subtitle inviting users to find places to eat, refuel, and more along the way. An image of a service station with a car parked near a building labeled "CCR ViaSul" is displayed. At the bottom, there is a section titled "Discover where to stop," encouraging users to access a list of service stations through the app to find places to eat, refuel, seek services, and more.

Image: CCR Rodovias Mobile Flow

Image: CCR Rodovias Mobile Flow

Image: CCR Rodovias Mobile Flow

Image: CCR Rodovias Mobile Flow

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